So today we planted our herbs. Currently they are in cute, little clay pots that are sunning themselves on my window sill. I have them alphabetically arranged just in case the paper tab I have marking them disappears. They are as follows: Basil, Cilantro, Lavender, Mint, and I picked up some Rosemary yesterday. Though the potting soil that I acquired this morning seems a little substandard, I'm sure they'll do alright. The window that they are in faces south and gets plenty of late morning through middle of the afternoon light.
I've completed a full week of going to the gym regularly (baring Saturday, a day for rest/recovery). I feel very good about it, but I don't plan on weighing myself for another week or so. On a lighter note (pun intended), I can fit into some of my old pants. I'm apparently a size smaller even though the measuring tape seems to lie to my face.
While I was out and about yesterday, I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks, it's very entertaining. While I was at the checkout line I saw a Quamut display. For those of you unfamiliar with Quamut, they are a supplier of fold out guides for various things (French, Math, Yoga, etc). The particular one that caught my eye, however was for Etiquette and Manners. I'll be the first to tell you, I will always try to be polite and friendly, but the guide also offers proper place settings, business ettiquette, and some good "reminder" guidelines. My favorite section is "Etiquette vs. Manners." Manners will always trump Etiquette, if you must know. Better to be polite and improper than snobby and stiff.
Also, right underneath it, I found a guide to Stretching (for beginners such as myself). Finding a resource for proper stretching was my initial goal of going to Barnes and Nobles. After I had exhausted the DVD and fitness sections which had a myriad of Power Yoga, Tai Chi, and Biggest Loser: Boot Camp programs, I shrugged and felt I'd probably have to go some place else to find just a DVD of people stretching in the proper way without risk of injury. Yoga is all well and good when you have a decent amount of flexibility already; but when you start from Square Zero, it can be difficult. I want be a tad more limber (not to mention leaner) than I am now before I attempt Yoga. Hell, I get a burn from sitting down with my legs out in front of my and placing my palm on my knee, that is how inflexible I am. No pain no gain right?
Also, a month ago a friend sent me this. It gave me a great deal of motivation and things to think about.
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